Hitechled S.r.l.

Via Galileo Galilei 31

31048 S. Biagio di Callalta (TV)

P.IVA 03990800264

Information for Website Visitors

Privacy Information Notice pursuant to Articles 13-14 of EU Regulation


Concerned parties: Website visitors.

Hitechled S.r.l., in its capacity as Data Controller of your personal data, pursuant to and for the purposes of EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”), informs you that the aforementioned regulation provides for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and that such processing will be conducted in accordance with the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency, and protection of your privacy and rights.

Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the legal provisions of the aforementioned regulation and the confidentiality obligations therein.

Purpose and Legal Basis of Processing

Your data will be used for the following purposes related to the execution of measures connected to contractual or pre-contractual obligations:

– Technical and functional access to the site: no data is retained after closing the browser;

– Statistical purposes and analysis of navigation and user activity.

Methods of Processing

Your personal data may be processed in the following ways:

– Using electronic devices through third-party software systems;

– Temporarily processed in anonymous form.

Every processing operation is conducted in compliance with Articles 6 and 32 of the GDPR,

adopting adequate security measures.Last change 16/01/2019 15:47 PRIVACY POLICY Cod.Doc. 12468.51.368305.1346146

Your data will be processed exclusively by personnel expressly authorized by the Data

Controller, specifically from the administration office.


Your data may be communicated to external entities for the proper management of the relationship, specifically to the following categories of recipients, including all Data

Processors duly appointed:

– Facebook: Advertising service, Ad targeting, Content personalization;

– Google Analytics: Ad targeting, Analytics/Measurement, Optimization;

– YouTube: Advertising service, Ad targeting, Analytics/Measurement, Content personalization, Optimization.


Your personal data will not be disclosed in any way.

Data Retention Period

We inform you that, in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, purpose limitation, and data minimization, pursuant to Article 5 of the GDPR, the retention period for your personal data is:

– Determined for a period not exceeding the time necessary for the provision of services.

Cookie Management

If you have doubts or concerns regarding the use of cookies, you can always intervene to prevent their setting and reading, for example, by changing the privacy settings of your browser to block specific types.

Since each browser (and often different versions of the same browser) can significantly differ from one another, if you prefer to manage settings autonomously, you can find detailed information on the necessary procedure in the help section of your browser. For an overview of how to manage cookies for the most common browsers, you can visit www.cookiepedia.co.uk.

Advertising companies

Advertising companies also allow you to opt-out of receiving targeted ads if desired. This does not prevent the setting of cookies but stops the use and collection of some data by these companies.

For more information and opt-out options, visit www.youronlinechoices.eu.Last change 16/01/2019 15:47 PRIVACY POLICY Cod.Doc. 12468.51.368305.1346146

Data Controller

The Data Controller, pursuant to the Law, is Hitechled S.r.l. (Via Galileo Galilei 31, 31048 S.

Biagio di Callalta (TV); VAT No. 03990800264), represented by its legal representative pro tempore.

You have the right to request the Data Controller to erase your personal data (“right to be forgotten”), restrict the processing, update, rectify, and port your data, object to processing, as well as to exercise all the rights provided by Articles 15-22 of the GDPR.

EU Regulation 2016/679: Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 – Data

Subject’s Rights

1. The data subject has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them exists, even if not yet registered, and to have such data communicated in an intelligible form.

2. The data subject has the right to be informed of:

a. The source of personal data;

b. The purposes and methods of processing;

c. The logic applied if the processing is carried out by electronic means;

d. The identity of the Data Controller, Data Processors, and the representative designated in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 2;

e. The entities or categories of entities to whom or which the personal data may be communicated or who may learn about them as designated representatives in the State’s territory, data processors, or persons in charge of processing.

3. The data subject has the right to request:

a. The updating, rectification, or, where interested, integration of data;

b. The erasure, anonymization, or blocking of data processed in violation of the law,

including data that does not need to be retained for the purposes for which it was collected or subsequently processed;

c. Certification that the operations mentioned in points (a) and (b) have been notified, as far as their content is concerned, to the entities to whom or which the data were communicated or disclosed unless this proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effort.

d. data portability.

4. The data subject has the right to object, in whole or in part:

a. On legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data concerning them, even if relevant to the purpose of collection;

b. To the processing of personal data for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.